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You are here: Home > corten steelS355J2WP steel mechanical property,S355J2WP steel manufacturer

S355J2WP steel mechanical property,S355J2WP steel manufacturer

S355J2WP steel grade is a hot rolled products of structural steels in technical delivery conditions with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance. As the steel reacts with elements in the atmosphere, the material forms a layer of rust over time which in essence protects the steel from corrosion. Katalor Enterprises is S355J2WP steel manufacturer,we can supply S355J2WP steel plate .

S355J2WP steel chemical composition:

C % Mn % Cr % Si % CEV % S %
Max 0.12 Max 1 0.3-1.25 Max 0.75 Max 0.52 Max 0.03
Cu % P %
0.25-0.55 0.06 - 0.15

Method of deoxidation FF = fully killed steelCEV= For long products the P and S content can be 0.005% higherThe S355J2WP steels may show a Ni content of max. 0,65 %.The S355J2WP steels shall contain at least one of the following elements: Al total ≥ 0,020 %, Nb: 0,015 - 0,060 %, V: 0,02 - 0,12 %, Ti: 0,02 - 0,10 %. If these elements are used in combination, at least one of them shall be present with the minimum content indicated.

S355J2WP steel mechanical property:

Grade Min. Yield Strength Mpa Tensile Strength MPa Impact
S355J2WP Nominal Thickness (mm) Nominal Thickness (mm) degree J
Thick mm ≤16 >16
≤3 >3 ≤100 >100 ≤150 -20 27
S355J2WP 355 345 …. …. …. …. 510-680 470-630 ….

Corrosion resistant steel plate S355J2WP under standard EN 10025_5 is mainly used for container steel.

Moreover, S355J2WP steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance has a wide range of applications: architecture, smokestacks, fabrication,freight wagons, silos, pylons and bridges.

S355J2WP steel alloying with copper and chromium ensure the formation of a firmly adhering protective layer of rust which concurrently makes for an attractive appearance.

as a S355J2WP steel manufacturer, if you need more information about S355J2WP steel chemical composition or S355J2WP steel mechanical property , please contact us!

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